Press Release

Campus Legends Returns for its 6th Season, Unveiling New Partnership with the National Council Against Drug Abuse



SINGAPORE, 22 APRIL, 2024 – Campus Legends, the premier inter-tertiary esports tournament organised by the Singapore Cybersports & Online Gaming Association (SCOGA), is thrilled to announce its highly anticipated return to *SCAPE for its 6th consecutive season.

The annual esports tournament, with qualifiers and playoffs starting from the first weekend of June and running till July, aims to provide students with a platform to showcase their gaming skills and passion while also nurturing a culture of learning through gaming. The tournament will consist of crowd favourites Valorant and Mobile Legends, with the semi-finals and finals taking place on 3-4 August at *SCAPE.

Campus Legends’ Shared Vision with NCADA

For the first time, Campus Legends partners with the National Council Against Drug Abuse (NCADA) to spotlight the Drug-Free cause in Singapore, with the aim of rallying the gaming community towards advocacy for a drug-free generation. Under the banner “We Game as One”, the campaign will build deeper awareness of how youths can do their part in keeping their friends safe from the harms of drug abuse.

Why is it that drug abuse persists even when it is common knowledge that staying drug-free is important, particularly when it impedes excellence and all that we value as a community? The advocacy campaign with NCADA aims to address this by provoking paradigm shifts on the drug issue. It will discuss the relevance of the drug-free cause to our generation of youths.
An inaugural parenting conference would also be held in August, alongside the Campus Legends finale, to build parents’ awareness of their role in preventive drug education and help raise their readiness to engage in effective conversations for the prevention of drug abuse.

The ultimate goal is more than awareness; the partnership aspires to cultivate a community of advocates who believe in and stand for Campus Legends’ values.

Dennis Ooi, President of SCOGA –

“The success of Campus Legends as it enters its 6th season will not be possible without the unwavering support of the gaming community and our esteemed partners, NCADA, *SCAPE, MyRepublic Acer and AOC Gaming Monitors. Campus Legends is not just about gaming, it’s about empowering youths and preparing them for life’s challenges. Students learn invaluable communication, problem-solving, and resilience skills through the camaraderie and teamwork fostered in our tournaments. Our community partnership with NCADA underscores our commitment to social causes, ensuring that gaming remains a force for positive change in Singapore.”


A/P Elmie Nekmat, NCADA Council Member –

“NCADA is grateful for the opportunity to spotlight the drug-free cause through Campus Legends. Our approach has been to engage and converse with youths, on platforms that are native to them. Where youths can feel safe and speak freely and passionately. We are confident that youths inherently care for their generation, and they can be empowered to make a real difference in their immediate environments. The reality is that drug abuse has become a more relevant social issue in recent years. Through our collaboration with Campus Legends, NCADA hopes to rally the gaming community to be a part of the drug-free advocacy movement. There is more that we each can do upstream to prevent drug abuse. The community can play an integral role in creating a culture and environment that safeguards their own peers from becoming vulnerable to the influences of drug abuse.”

Ivy Lim, Executive Director of *SCAPE –

“*SCAPE is pleased to be a programme partner of SCOGA for Campus Legends in 2024. Since their inaugural season in 2019, Campus Legends has become an annual mainstay in the schools esports calendar, consistently providing opportunities for student esports talents. With this partnership, we aim to support SCOGA’s efforts by making available safe and conducive spaces to unlock boundless possibilities for these young talents to pursue their aspirations. *SCAPE and SCOGA will also collaborate on Behind-the-Scenes (BTS) guided tours of SCOGA Campus Legends as part of the exclusive opportunities offered through *SCAPE’s Re:Play programme, specially curated for youths interested in exploring dynamic career pathways in the gaming and creative industries.”

Miss Chia Li Shi, Managing Director, Acer Singapore –


Acer has hosted Predator League since 2018 and has been the home ground for top and up-and-coming esports talents in the region. By partnering Campus Legends, Acer reaffirms its dedication to the thriving esports community and nurturing young talents in the industry. We hope to provide a stage for young talents, not only through hardware but also through an esports ecosystem and industry.”


Continuing its mission to make esports accessible to all school-going youths, Campus Legends extends its invitation to Junior Colleges (JCs) alongside ITEs, Polytechnics, and Universities. As esports gains mainstream recognition, Campus Legends remains committed to providing a platform that embraces diversity and inclusivity.
Furthermore, Campus Legends is excited to announce a partnership with *SCAPE, offering students exclusive workshops and behind-the-scenes esports experiences. These workshops, hosted in collaboration with *SCAPE, will provide invaluable insights into esports and event management.
Sponsors for Campus Legends include: MyRepublic, Institute of Technical Education, Republic Polytechnic, DIFY, EMERGE Group and the MPL.

Registration Link :
For more information about Campus Legends, please visit:


About Campus Legends

Campus Legends, founded in 2019, is an inter-tertiary eSports tournament organised by the Singapore Cybersports & Online Gaming Association (SCOGA) and Esports Academy. With a mission to champion student gamers and empower budding talents, Campus Legends provides a platform for school esports in Singapore. SCOGA has reached over 2 million gamers in the past 17 years through engaging events, including signature events like Campus Game Fest and Campus Legends.


For media enquiries, please contact:
Daston Lam
Senior Account Executive
DIFY Singapore
[email protected]
+65 9641 3301