In case you missed it: Campus Legends 2021 Week 4 (Group B)!

Missed all the action over the weekend? Don’t worry, we’ve got your covered with a summary of all the exciting matches!

Match 1:

NUS: Fiora, Xin Zhao, Lee Sin, Kalista, Alistar

TP: Ornn, Viego, Leblanc, Ezreal, Lulu

NUS had the better early game team composition but falls off in the mid and late game hence they made sure they take as big of a lead as they could. They won both top lane and jungle, and TP was unable to catch up to the lead NUS had, giving NUS the victory in the series.

Match 2:

NP: Camille, Viego, Sylas, Ezreal, Nautilus

RP: Jayce, Hecarim, Akali, Aphelios, Thresh

Both teams were quite even at the start but NP had the better team fight potential during the mid game as RP’s Jayce was unable to farm. Both teams traded aces back and forth but eventually NP got the upper hand to end the game and win the series.

Match 1 Game 1:

SP: Jawhead, Granger, Selena, Thamuz, Ruby

ITE CW: X.Borg, Eudora, Chou, Akai, Wanwan

Match 1 Game 2:

SP: Ruby, Chang’e, Roger, Wanwan, Atlas

ITE CW: Granger, Mathilda, Akai, Leomord, Aldous

Match 1 Game 3:

SP: Lunox, Atlas, Alice, Yu Zhong, Brody

ITE CW: Chou, Wanwan, Kagura, Clint, Tigreal

ITE CW started off strong which was surprising as they did not have a good track record. Chou, X.Borg and Wanwan were popping off, giving ITE CW the first game in the series. In the second game, SP banned out the problematic heroes and came out on top by executing Atlas and Ruby combos to win them team fights and the second game. The third game was a slower game, likely because ITE CW wanted to wait for late game for Clint and Wanwan to come online. However, they overextended and were punished by SP, allowing SP to edge ahead and win the series, denying ITE CW their first win.

Match 2 Game 1:

Murdoch: Mathilda, Granger, Alice, Belerick, Silvanna

NTU: Lunox, Jawhead, Yi Sun Shin, Harley, Ruby

Match 2 Game 2:

Murdoch: Harley, Hilda, Franco, Kagura, Angela

NTU: Mathilda, Beatrix, Selena, Karrie, Ruby

NTU started strong in the first game, with the DPS on their side overwhelming Murdoch and allowing them to sweep through and take the game in just below 10 minutes. In the second game, NTU had a double marksmen team composition while Murdoch had a Franco that didn’t land many impactful hooks. NTU came online rather quickly and once again, Murdoch was unable to stop NTU from ending the game in 10 minutes.

Match 3 Game 1:

RP: X.Borg, Baxia, Uranus, Kagura, Granger

NUS: Mathilda, Benedetta, Pharsa, Harith, Karrie

Match 3 Game 2:

RP: Baxia, Benedetta, Freya, Luo Yi, Granger

NUS: X.Borg, Jawhead, Eudora, Harley, Chou

NUS took the early advantage with Pharsa getting most of the kills. RP hung on with messy skirmishes and equal trades but NUS retained map control, finally pushing through to the base with the Lord. The second game was more balanced, with NUS being punished early on for over-aggression but NUS started winning isolated fights with Harley and Chou, allowing NUS to take the series at the end of the day.


Don’t miss out on our livestreams starting at 1pm next weekend for your weekly dose of League of Legends and Mobile Legends: Bang Bang! Not to mention, you can stand a chance to win some cool prizes on our Twitch stream, such as a Lenovo keyboard and mouse bundle as well as a UNIQLO gift card! You can download the UNIQLO app using this link ( to get a $5 voucher and a chance to win an AIRism mask! See you next week!

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